Thursday, May 1, 2008


This Blog is in honor of Our dear and beloved FRIEND, and Teacher- (both Choir and German).
Mr. Kerry Moore. He teaches Choir and German at Cyprus High School.

He does so much good for all of us and we love him so much!

He has been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and he has a 2 % chance in living 2 months to 2 years.

This blog is also for his family and to bring comfort in this trying time.
We all as students- former, and current and even in the future- are trying and putting together a "Musical Tribute" in his honor and as far as i understand all proceeds will go to him and his family!

Please... Please spread the word and either log into the blog or email me @

with tributes and anything in his behalf you want to write and express to him and his family!

and also please remember Mr. Moore and his family in your prayers and thoughts!

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