Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I got this email from Deborah Peterson! thanks Deborah!

Kerry called me today. He is doing a lot better. He is finished with the chemo. They did make a trip to Cali to see the Doctor that specializes in the rare cancer he has and this doctor can help him out. I told him to let me know how things go. I will give you guys more updates as they come.
Deborah Peterson

Sunday, August 3, 2008


I do not want to offend anyone by submitting this post! for all those who want to participate- and participate in your own way or whatever way you feel is appropriate that would be appreciated.

here is a message i recieved....

I was just sent an e-mail from a friend. There will be a special fast for Mr. Moore tomorrow if you want to join.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Deborah Peterson went to visit with Mr. Moore and Stacey recently there she presented the checl which holds all the money raised at the benefit concert here in Mr. Moores behalf.
here is what she had to say! thanks deborah for keeping us all posted. keep up the good work and the updates coming.

I went to Mr. Moore's earlier this evening to give him the check and a few other items. He has lost his hair now. He was very tender, Stacey can't touch him in anyway without it hurting. I was there for about 40 min and by the end he looked like he was about pass out. He couldn't say enough about the night of the concert. He gave me a card that is addressed to me and all of you. This is what is says, "Thanks Your Kindness is such a blessing." Then he hand wrote, " Words could not adequately express our heart-felt gratitude for the most wonderful evening we experienced. It was all so amazing! Thanks for your dedication & efforts in bringing about one of the best memories of our lives. May God bless you always- Love Kerry & Stacey Moore"

They plan to write a letter to send to everyone and will have either Craig or myself send it out to you all. Be looking for it.

The treatments are taking a tole on him, but he is fighting!!! The money we raised will really help them out with this. If the treatment he is on now doesn't work then they will head to Southern Cali to find an alternative.

He does want to do a Reunion Concert sometime NEXT YEAR!!! I look forward to that and seeing you all again!!

Hope all is well for you and thank you again for your help!
Deborah Peterson

PS if you want to know Dayne has been out on his mission for a month now and is loving it!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

waiting for permission

As there were pictures taken at the benefit concert with SHEDAISY in them! all of us are waiting for permission to post them and other video's. once they give that permission! pictures will be posted.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Current, Former students stage benefit for teacher.

These are some of the words Cyprus High School alumni used to describe their choir teacher Kerry Moore who was diagnosed with two neuroendocrine tumors in March.
Former students organized a tribute concert in Moore's honor to raise money Saturday, featuring choir and madrigals alumni, special guests Bob Gandy and SHeDAISY, and about 700 audience members.
Although the concert was free to the public, the event raised more than $7,500 in concession sales and private donations, including a $5,000 donation from Dave Osborn, a SHeDAISY member's father, for Moore's fund.
The show opened with a 24-year alumni roll call, starting with 1985 when Moore began teaching at Cyprus. As each year was called, former students in the audience stood up and choir alumni took spots on stage.
Graduates from each year were present in the audience, and by the year 2008, about 50 people filled the choral rows on stage.
"They're all grown up," Moore said. "The time they spent in our school is fresh in my mind, even though it's been 25 years."
Although the former choir students didn't all know each other, Moore still remembers every one of their names.
"It's the happiest day of my life, next to marrying my wife," he said.
Michelle Dangerfield-Dennis, an '86

graduate and a former madrigal, said confidence is the main thing she learned from Moore.
"When I started in his class, I was scared to sing loud," she said.
Moore played a piano session specifically for then-Dennis, so she could open up her voice without other students present, and it worked, she said.
"I was in musicals and everything because he gave me that confidence," said Dangerfield-Dennis.
Moore's former students reiterated the impact he has brought on them and his kindness and caring for them.
"I don't remember the time when he'd get terribly upset or mad," said Adam Proctor, a three-year choir member who graduated in 1990. "You're a better person having to know him."
Members of the country group SHeDAISY, Magna natives and Cyprus graduates, were among Moore's students and performers Saturday night.
"Even though we've been out of high school for so long, we keep in touch," said Kelsi Simpson of SHeDAISY. "The smallest thing we could do is to be here."
Before their two-song set, Simpson told a story about Moore's preparedness to be there when students needed him.
Simpson and her sister and bandmate Kassidy Osborn were in a small band during their high school years in the early '90s. They scored a gig at Jackpot, Nev., but their keyboard player couldn't come with them.
The sisters' dad suggested them to invite Moore on the road trip to take the missing musician's place, Simpson said. She even mentioned that he is a teacher and wouldn't have time to do it, because it was a school night, but invited Moore anyway.
Not only did he agree to wing the songs without enough practice and play at a "tough club" in Jackpot, he excused the sisters' absences from his class the following day.
"He was such a sport to be there and fill in," Simpson said.
"We saw a different side of him that we weren't used to seeing," Osborn said, referring to the unconventional teacher-student relationship Moore has shown them.
Osborn said she had many choir teachers as she was growing up, but she has learned the most from Moore.
She likes Moore's ability to see students' talents and improve them.
"He doesn't mold you into what you're not," Osborne said. He discovers what students are good at and pushes them in that direction, adding she has written more songs in Moore's class than outside of it.
"I'm glad I've been able to share so much beautiful music with all of [these students]," Moore said after the concert.
The choir alumni surprised Moore before the night's last song and asked him to conduct it for them. Although he didn't expect it, he agreed.
"They say that a teacher can influence thousands of lives. That is true," he said, but he has also been influenced by all his students.
"What you've given to me is inexpressible," he said.
Moore successfully battled pancreatic cancer five years ago, before he learned of new tumors a few months ago.
At Cyprus, he has taught choir, AP music theory, German and has helped directing school musicals.
Any monetary donations are accepted at Cyprus Credit Union under Kerry Moore's name until July 14.

Monday, June 30, 2008


Here are pictures from the Tribute concert for Mr. Moore and his family... If i do not add all tonight - then i will do so tomorrow or sometime soon!


Pictures to come soon...

Sunday, June 29, 2008


here is a update and how the Tribute Concert for Mr. Kerry Moore and his family turned out last night.

Thanks Deborah!

The tribute last night was FABULOUS. The singers sounded like they were well rehearsed. The program was beautifully
arranged with the large group of 60 along with 4 smaller groups doing a total of 11 songs. There was an instrumental
arrangement just before intermission by Mr. Moore's friend. Both his friend, Bob Gandy, and SHeDAISY made some wonderful
comments in Tribute to Mr. Moore prior to their numbers. The audience turn out was great. We guess in the auditorium of
900 seats almost 700 were filled. Not bad at all for last minute word of mouth advertising.
Kerry and Stacey loved the clock and Stacey was presented with a dozen long stemmed red, white and blue roses with
feathery ferns and a cat-tail type filler. They were beautiful! A tribute book was also presented to them where former
students and their parents had written comments to the Moore's. Mr. Moore was asked to and accepted the honor of leading
his alumni students in their final number. A graduation song he had written years ago called "Forever in Time'.
Mr. Moore had been really sick earlier in the week, but his wife said that looking forward to this concert helped him get better.
The concert ran just shy of 2 hours and when we left it was 2 hours later and there was still two dozen people there talking to
the Moores. Everyone wanted to visit with him and he wanted to visit with his former students from the last 25 years. Every
year was represented in the audience when we did the roll call of years.
He was exhausted by the end of the night but his wife said that this was exactly what he needed to push on and fight this
thing. They go to California the 9th of July for some tests to see how the treatment is working. They weren't sure where the
money for this was coming from - now they don't have to worry. If you would like to know exactly how much send me an e-mail
and I will tell you. More will come in in the next few weeks to the account at Cyprus Credit Union. The account will be open
until July 14th. Mr. Moore loved our sound and was always the first up on his feet for standing obations. He was really
embarressed and "didn't possess the words for how much this meant to him".
We have vocal cds and picture cds of the concert. If you would like one, send me an e-mail and we can arrage it. The vocal
cd is $5 and the picture cd is $3.

Thank you to everyone who was a part of this and helped make it possible!!! I really appreciate it and am grateful to you!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


here is some information i got from Deborah Peterson...

Hello everyone,
I just set up a fund for Kerry Moore at Cyprus Credit Union. If you would like to make a donation to him go to any Cyprus Credit Union and say you want to make a donation to the Kerry Moore Fund. Or you can mail me a check made out to either Kerry Moore Fund or Deborah Peterson.

Thanks everyone,

Deborah Peterson
256 E. Helm Ave #21
SLC, UT 84115

Sunday, May 18, 2008


I felt it appropriate to post a video of one of Mr. Moore's past Madrigal Performances- in his behalf and honor.

Friday, May 2, 2008

From one of Mr. Moore's former students... and stuff...

I was involved in the choirs (Mixed/Jazz/Madrigals/Concert) from 1995-1997 and I would love to help in any way. Jeff and Trynda Raisor were also involved in the choirs those same years (now married) and they are a great resource as well, having contact information for the 1996-97 Madrigal choir. Once I had heard about Mr. Moore's diagnosis, I got in touch with them to possibly plan something for Mr. Moore, but it looks like you've done a great job in getting something going. My sister Desiree is in concert choir this year and she said a lot of the students want to do something for Mr. Moore but they haven't heard of anything. Are any of the current students working with you on this? Also, a suggestion for a song for the tribute was one the Madrigal guys sang in Spring of '97. I can't remember the title of the song, but it's about a fisherman's wife (the Raisors would probably know the title). Very beautiful song and was a favorite among our group. Anyway, please let me know how I can help. Thanks!Stephanie (Lingwall) Hubbel Jeff and Trynda Raisor - 435-896-8224

Thursday, May 1, 2008


This Blog is in honor of Our dear and beloved FRIEND, and Teacher- (both Choir and German).
Mr. Kerry Moore. He teaches Choir and German at Cyprus High School.

He does so much good for all of us and we love him so much!

He has been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and he has a 2 % chance in living 2 months to 2 years.

This blog is also for his family and to bring comfort in this trying time.
We all as students- former, and current and even in the future- are trying and putting together a "Musical Tribute" in his honor and as far as i understand all proceeds will go to him and his family!

Please... Please spread the word and either log into the blog or email me @ wealllovemrkerrymoore@gmail.com

with tributes and anything in his behalf you want to write and express to him and his family!

and also please remember Mr. Moore and his family in your prayers and thoughts!